Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Minimally displaced fracture femur?

I have a minimally displaced transcervical fracture of the right neck of the femur and a minimally posteriorly displaced neck of the femur. I never had surgery this was five weeks ago I am getting around walking with my walking frame but not much. What I want to know is will this heal on its own and if so how long should it take? I get a sharp pain in my calf like a stretching pain.

Male | 61 years old
Complaint duration: 2/1/2021
Medications: paracetamol
Conditions: broken hip

3 Answers

Your surgeon probably offered you surgery and you should have had surgery. Because this particular fracture is notorious for not healing, displacing further and getting AVN. Now that you are 5 weeks post-op, it is what it is. I recommend using your walker and putting not much weight on it. It needs to be X-rayed every 2-3 weeks. It will take 8-12 weeks to heal.
Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
Usually surgery is recommended for this type of hip fracture as the fracture can displace requiring more extensive surgery. I would immediately consult a qualified orthopedic surgeon in your area.
I assume you had surgery. This can take up to 3-6 months to heal and it may not. You need to call your doctor for calf pain and make sure it's not a blood clot.