Surgeon Questions surgeon

Muscle issue after neck injury?

After a recent neck injury, I have completely lost the muscle in my left arm.

Complaint duration: 6 months

7 Answers

You need to be evaluated by a neurologist surgeon. All the nerves to the upper extremity originate in the cervical spine (neck). Damage to the nerve roots as they exit the spine cause atrophy (loss of function and muscle mass) of the muscles to the upper extremity and hand. Good luck! Don’t get waylaid by well-meaning other practitioners. Neuro-surgeons only. Not a family doc, chiropractor, physical therapist!
I wouldn’t go to the ER unless you are having sudden balance or walking issues. But you need to see someone as soon as possible. Significant atrophy indicates pretty significant nerve interference. I would get in to see yiur doctor and should probably see a neurosurgeon who specializes in spine. Good luck! You’ll be ok, but you need to take the right steps.
Obviously, I cannot see your arm or examine you. However, if what you say is true, then you need to see an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon and have an MRI of your neck done. Loss of muscle mass indicates a pinched nerve in your neck.

Hope it helps!!

Dr. Bose
You need to be seen by a neurosurgeon ASAP!!!


That may be a serious neurological condition, and cannot be ignored. You likely will require an MRI of the cervical spine and an EMG (electromyography, nerve conduction velocity) study. Best bet is to get evaluated by a neurologist at the earliest convenience.
Good luck!

Kenneth D. Candido, M.D.
Sounds like a nerve pinch in the neck.See an orthopedic surgeon and possibly a neurologist.
Consult Neurology and PT/OT.