Dermatologist (Pediatric) Questions Pediatrician

My 2 year old has a rash?

My 2 year old started braking out in a rash and blisters around the diaper area and it's now moved to his hands.

Male | 2 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: None
Conditions: At birth had a feeding tube breathing tube and chest tube

7 Answers

Sound like hand foot and mouth disease which is caused by a viral infection. the rash can spread to the feet or to the mouth. you can give him Tylenol or Motrin if they are irritable, petroleum jelly over the rash on the bottom and lots of fluids to keep him well hydrated.
Blistering rash on hands and diaper area sounds like hand, foot and mouth which is caused by a virus called coxsackie. It can cause severe diaper rash and blisters in mouth can limit intake leading to dehydration
Check with your pediatrician R/O hand foot and mouth disease.
Without seeing the rash, I cannot be completely sure. The most common rash that presents with blisters on palms of hands and/or soles of feet and/or diaper area is Hand Foot Mouth Disease that is caused by coxsackie virus. Despite the name, it commonly occurs in the diaper area as well. It is contagious, but not dangerous. It may take weeks for the rash to completely fade, but it will eventually completely fade.
Could be impetigo, which is a bacterial infection. Should be seen by your dr.
It sounds like hand, foot, and mouth. This will only last for about 5 days, but in a week, the child’s hands and feet may peel.