“My baby blinks excessively. What's wrong?”
My baby is 7 months old. Recently he has been blinking excessively and has a concerned look in his eyebrows. What's wrong with him? What can I do?
28 Answers
It depends upon the onset of blinking of the eyelids with a concerned eyebrow needs to be evaluated as soon as possible to evaluate eye as well as the periorbital region to rule out any neurological problem
Your baby needs an office visit for a complete history and exam with your pediatrician to see if the eye blinking is part of a larger problem or just a normal variant.
Your child needs to see his doctor as soon as possible to rule out possible partial seziures. EEG might be needed to rule it out.
Excessive blinking may be a sign of itchy eyes, especially if this is coinciding with allergy season or he is also rubbing both eyes. There are medications that may be prescribed to treat this problem.
Blinking at this age could be related to ingrown eyelashes, dryness of the air, or extreme cold or heat (sun or wind). Allergies at this age are uncommon. Sometimes the infant can scratch the cornea, which causes discomfort. Excessive video time is another trigger. If it continues and you are worried, you may also counsult with an ophthalmologist.
You need to have him evaluated by his pediatrician. It could be many different things, so without evaluating him, it would be hard to say.
It is normal for a baby to blink. Wash eyes with warm water to remove anything irritating the conjuctiva.
I recommend you have your child checked by his pediatrician to assure he hasn’t developed an eye infection OR scratched his cornea.
It ccould be some allergies specially if he rubs his eyelids or has some redness, b couldd be also amore serious problem like error of refraction or some thing inside the eyes.
You should show him to his pediatrician and if he finds out that he needs to see a pediatric ophthalmologist he will reger you. Good luck
You should show him to his pediatrician and if he finds out that he needs to see a pediatric ophthalmologist he will reger you. Good luck
I would suggest you call your pediatrician and have the baby seen. In the meantime, maybe catch a video of the episode to help your doctor decide what is happening.
He may have dry eyes or vision problems. Your best choice would be to take him to a pediatric ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam. Your pediatrician should be able to refer you to one.
Blinking is a normal reflex that regulates tears to protect the eye from dryness. It also protects the eye from bright light, and anything that comes toward it, such as a gust of sand or a finger.
If your child is truly experiencing excessive blinking, bring him in for an examination by your pediatrician. Excessive blinking can be caused by problems with the eyelids, front part of the eye, occasional exotropia (turning out of the eye), stress, or any other discomfort. Older children may blink excessively if they need glasses (refractive error, attempt to see more clearly), or as a tic manifestation. While tics can happen in infants, it is extremely rare. Isolated blinking tics tend to be transient, resolve in a few weeks, and do not signify an underlying neurological problem. No brain imaging needs to be done. Children with multiple tics (other movements and/or vocalizations) should see a pediatric neurologist for further evaluation.
Your pediatrician can examine your baby's eye to see if the conjunctiva (membrane covering eyeball) might be irritated and pink or red, and if so, ascertain the cause of the irritation. Your pediatrician may also refer your baby to see an ophthalmologist to look for other causes in the eye.
If your child is truly experiencing excessive blinking, bring him in for an examination by your pediatrician. Excessive blinking can be caused by problems with the eyelids, front part of the eye, occasional exotropia (turning out of the eye), stress, or any other discomfort. Older children may blink excessively if they need glasses (refractive error, attempt to see more clearly), or as a tic manifestation. While tics can happen in infants, it is extremely rare. Isolated blinking tics tend to be transient, resolve in a few weeks, and do not signify an underlying neurological problem. No brain imaging needs to be done. Children with multiple tics (other movements and/or vocalizations) should see a pediatric neurologist for further evaluation.
Your pediatrician can examine your baby's eye to see if the conjunctiva (membrane covering eyeball) might be irritated and pink or red, and if so, ascertain the cause of the irritation. Your pediatrician may also refer your baby to see an ophthalmologist to look for other causes in the eye.
Is the baby tearing, light-sensitive? You should consult a pediatric ophthalmologist to examine his eyes.
My advice would be to have his pediatrician look at him. There could be numerous causes. One of these might be refractive errors. If he has NOT had his 6-month well child check, maybe he should be taken immediately for that check up, and you may discuss this problem with the doctor at that time.
Cheers..........IAM, MD
Cheers..........IAM, MD