General Practitioner Questions Lymph Nodes

My lymph nodes are swollen and my jaw above it is too

I've been to the hospital because my voice has been gone for a month and a half. The hospital gave me steroids and a z-pack and here I am a week later, and I still don't have my voice. My lymph nodes are swollen again, and I got a big knot on the side of my jaw and sores in my nose. Also, about 5 years ago I was told that I had three tumors on my thyroids and I had a nodule on my vocal cord but I wrecked my car so I didn't get to go finish getting my treatment for it. I just quit worrying about it because my ear infections quit being so bad and I don't have teeth so I don't understand why my jaw is swollen and sore.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 2months
Medications: None

1 Answer

You should go back to the hospital and get a biopsi done from one the swollen lymphs nodes, alternatively to have one removed and diagnosed. From the story, I would not rule out a malignant reason for all of this. It needs to be diagnosed sooner than later.