“Neck lump question?”
I'm a 50 year old white male. I have had a lump on the left side of my neck for about one month or so. It's about the size of a marble and is hard to the touch and is painless. I have chronic pancreatitis and had an open splenectomy in 2015 from a benign cyst growing in the center. On a recent CT scan with contrast, last week, that was clear. It didn't show any sign of anything in the lymph node area. My blood test last week was WBC=11K, RBC = 4.41, Platelet Count = 428k, Glucose=103, Cholesterol, total=201, Triglycerides=164, LDL Cholesterol=125, Sed Rate by Modified Westergren=2.
My family medical history - Dad and Paternal Grandfather - Died of Pancreatic Cancer at the age of 41 (both). Mother - Died of Melanoma at age of 71. Brother - 53 year old has Acute Pancreatitis.
Male | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 45 days
Medications: Diltiazem 360CD, Atorvastatin 10mg, Lisinopril, Metaropolol, Creon, Fentanyl Patch 25mcg, Oxycodone 15mg as needed, Omeprazole, Famotidine,
Conditions: Chronic Pancreatitis, Open Splenectomy, Left Side Neck Lump
4 Answers
Ear,NoseandThroatDoctor(ENT)EmergencyMedicineI don’t think the Emergency Room visit would help you. I would call your regular practitioner and see if an expedited ENT visit could be arranged, or if another ENT might be available for you. If you have a Dermatologist, please have a full skin survey, including your scalp, with your Mom’s history. Have a dental visit to check your mouth carefully also. If all is well with these exams, then have your doctor recommend a General Surgeon so you can have an excisional biopsy. If you have a cat, you should be checked for Cat Scratch fever, which may not present with any fevers, and can present with lumps.
I hope you can get this evaluated quickly.
Cynthia Point, MD
You have a marble sized painless lesion in your neck. It is unclear if this lump has been changing
You are doing the right thing by making an appointment with an ent physician. You could also consult a generalist or a surgeon to see you and examine you and advise you about further investigations that need to be performed. This is unlikely to be related to your previously experienced illnesses. A needle biopsy may be recommended.
Good luck.