“Nightmare about Homunculus?”
These nightmares went on for at least a year and my doctor told my father, who had taken me out of a children's home, when I was 5, that I must have suffered from a trauma that I could not describe and that time would heal the problem, which it largely did. However, as a result, I have suffered from a fear of the dark and insomnia ever since along with anxiety. I am aware of the Homunculus in relationship to the brain and how it sees itself, but why have my childhood nightmares left a residue in the present as I can still experience the impact of the nightmares. By this I mean I can replicate the horrible sensation in my hands, lips, and tongue just by thinking about those nightmares.
Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: life long
Medications: None
Conditions: Fiibromyalgia
3 Answers
for some insight.
God bless you!!
Perhaps this experience may best be considered a process of the brain working itself out, notwithstanding its representation as trauma. Perhaps it is best to give the childhood phenomenon less attention, so as to better engage alternative circuits. Residual trauma may benefit from debriefing.
Jeffrey L. Rausch, MD