Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions

One rib in chest feels more out then others

When I run my fingers over my chest I feel one rib over my breast is more bumped out then the others, and when I arch my chest out it’s really noticeable by touching close to my breast bone. I thought it was a lump but I can follow it and it connects to the rest. What would make this happen? It’s only on my right side.

It’s like the second or third rib from my collar bone. It s been this way for as long as I can remember

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: Over a year atleast I don’t know how long

3 Answers

Ligament holding rib joint at breast bone probably stretched out.Why? If its been that way for a year with no change probably not harmful.Need a CT X-Ray Scan to get an accurate diagnosis.
This can happen with the subluxation of the rib on the sternum. Usually its a traumatic episode that creates this. It could also be a congenital deformity. I would recommend starting with some form of imaging. Plain film can be somewhat limiting due to the overlap of Ribs on the sternum posterior. A CT might be your best tool to evaluate the position of the rib. Todd Moore
Bony enlargement or deformities can be from multiple reasons. It can be developmental, traumatic, inflammatory or benign conditions. Please get evaluation from your doctor. They might order X rays and MRI or CT scan. Thanks Rupesh Tarwala