Urologist Questions Urologist

Oral sex pain?

When I have oral sex or regular sex with my girlfriend, it hurts. Every time she goes up and down on the head of my penis, it hurts. I am uncircumcised. When I pull my foreskin back and touch the head of my penis, the main part that hurts is the bottom of the head. It also seems like it’s red a bit or almost irritated. I clean it every day with water and an unscented soap in the shower. Is there any cream or ointment I can put on it so it can make the irritation go away? Thanks.

Male | 15 years old

3 Answers

Schedule an appointment locally
Thank you for contacting FATD concerning your current penile irritation as described. At 15, if possible, it is a good idea to let your guardian know and see how she/he can and may help you accordingly. Yet, based on what you described, the redundant foreskin may contribute to your local symptoms, and a timely circumcision after a proper clinical assessment may be required. To proceed with your deserved medical care adequately, I recommend you to read a post on: What Should You Do When You Feel and Become Sick?
Since you said that you were uncircumcised, it’s possible that you’re being a little bit too rough and/or need to use more water-based lubricant. Astro glide or KY jelly. If you continue with chronic irritation and/or begin to tear the skin, then you should consult your local urologist and consider getting circumcised.