Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Overdosing with Metoprolol?

I am 60 years old and weigh 315 lbs. I take 25mg of Metoprolol once daily for high blood pressure. I normally have 140/88 most of the time but on this occasion, I mistakenly took 50 mg. in the afternoon. After 12 hours my vitals have settled on 110/71, pulse 75. Am I in danger or can I wait out the effects without worrying?

Male | 59 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day
Medications: Metoprolol 25mg.
Conditions: high blood pressure

1 Answer


Your baseline blood pressure is higher then it needs to be. The second blood pressure is actually excellent. Heart rate is very appropriate and not overly suppressed. I probably would have you stay on 50mg daily. But that is up to your physician to decide. Judging by the numbers you posted, there is no danger.