“Pain during acupuncture”
I have worked in Natural Body Manipulation for over 25 years and specialize in severe chronic issues. When I have a client that can benefit from another modality, I refer them out. I use acupuncturist for a variety of reasons.
I referred a client 46 male, to a 20plus year acupuncturist. The client has had excruciating pain every time the needles are put in. He cannot stand the needles entering his body. He receives some relief for 1-2 days (maybe) after treatment.
- The pain is excruciating- he is a cop and can handle pain
- There are red marks that arise after she does it sometimes. (It does not look like old bruising, but she may have broken new capillaries).
- He can handle massage, cranial treatment and neural palpation
- No herb routine is making a difference in his inflammatory response. herbs are given by the acupuncturist. She has tried 4 different ideas.
- His skin is inflamed.
- He has made fluid filled cysts in his low back
- His initial injury is from being hit as a motorcycle cop on the side at 60mph
- he has received the most benefit from neural palpation
- I cant seem to get a good response or think from other acupuncturist that I know
- All of his blood work comes back clear
- Could he have some type of overworking blood system?
- Would anyone credit this to limbic overload?
- Why would it hurt so badly?
Male | 46 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
13 Answers
Acupuncturistcould assist. Also he would benefit from being treated emotionally with acupuncture, maybe with very few needles. There’s a technique called “5 element”, which specifically works on the emotions. It can be very powerful. I would look for an acupuncturist who specializes in that but I do think with not too many sessions he will find relief. It takes some patience when working with past emotional trauma.
The first is that the person is dehydrated. Make sure he drinks at least 8 ounces of water before going to the acupuncturist (no soda or coffee or anything with caffeine as it dehydrates people). Also make sure he has proper electrolytes.
Another reason is fibromyalgia (FMS). Trauma can sometimes bring this on. It would take too much to explain FMS here – he would require a change of diet and boost his immune system. It is curable.
Finally, it is completely emotional. When the skin breaks out it can be either Wood or Air elements which represent anger or grief respectively. My guess would be anger. Wood is the Liver Gallbladder. Does he drink or do any drugs? Has he had any therapy to deal with the accident.
Many times an accident can cause PTSD. He may need help with this.
Without actually seeing the person and doing a tongue and pulse diagnosis it is impossible to tell the real underlying cause but 80% of the time there is always a significant emotional element to all conditions. Deal with the emotions first and sometimes the physical issues just go away.
I have a few guesses here:
1. Your patient has a severe allergy to surgical stainless steel.
2. Your patient has been in chronic pain long enough that he has become centrally sensitized and his brain is now interpreting most signals as pain signals.
3. The acupuncturist is needling too deeply and/or has one track they use to treat issues like this and can't think outside the box enough to come up with another way that fits this patient better.
As far as the herbs go - it's very easy to miss on a Chinese diagnosis and get the wrong herbal formula. Most folks see "inflammation", think "heat" and go for heat clearing herbs. Sometimes this is the case, and sometimes it's a lot more complicated than that.
I'd have to see/evaluate the patient to give any more/better advice in this case. My best suggestion would be to see if you can find an acupuncturist who practices either Tung/Tan or has more of an ortho/sports medicine focus. You need someone who can either treat the painful area without needling in the painful area or someone who can address specific structure in the painful area with a high degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, most acupuncturists practice so-called "TCM" acupuncture and this leaves them limited when local needles either don't solve the problem, cause more problems, or both.