Orthopedist Questions Orthopedic Surgeon

Pain in Shins

I fell ten weeks ago, I had to crawl on my knees to get to the bed. I've had scans MRI CT but nothing showed up about my shins. I've have pain in my shins when the bone is touched it feels sore and hurts I can walk but pain get worse after.

Female | 73 years old
Medications: TV TV

2 Answers

You have either periostitis mixed in with some knee arthritis. Either way, take advil, 3 tablets with each meal for 2 weeks. If you're not better then go back to the Orthopaedic surgeon. Don"t take advil if you are on blood thinners. Hope it Helps!
With negative CT and MRI scans of your shins, the pain has to be coming
from somewhere else. The most likely sources include your knee, spine or

Christopher B Michelsen, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, FACS
Col (Ret) USA
Professor (Emeritus) Orthopaedic Surgery
Columbia University, College of P&S