Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Parasites in stool?

I went to my doctor today and showed them a parasite in my stool that looked like a fleshy white grub about 1 and a half inches long and they had no idea what it was and they sent it to a lab for further identification of what it is. It was NOT a worm of any kind. I have had these things in my stool for several days, we can not start any treatment without knowing what it is. I take several medications for schizoaffective disorder, seroquel, klonopin, neurontin, zyprexa. I also take protonix, blood pressure medication, carafate and zofran. I take myralax, senna and colace for constipation caused by my psychiatric drugs.

Male | 55 years old
Complaint duration: 7 days
Medications: seroquel
Conditions: scizoaffective disorder

1 Answer

If your stool has been examined by a laboratory and no worm has been confirmed, then there is no evidence of a parasite. If you have no GI symptoms, then there is no further work-up needed.