Pediatrician Questions

Pediatric- sprained finger vs cellulitis?

6 y/o female, hx of Down Syndrome, x1 Tet cardiac repair at 6 months old, no complications since. Mild peripheral vascular insufficiency. NKDA, no daily meds. Active and healthy.

Developed a swollen index finger uf unknown cause approx 1 week ago. On first day, c/o some discomfort- responsive to APAP & IBU. Has not needed meds since. Will include picture. She is afebrile, no discomfort or malaise, and finger has full range of motion (can point, and make a tight fist without issue.)

Finger has a purple region over middle knuckle, and erythema around it. Swelling to twice the size of other fingers. No obvious cuts, but she does frequently get cat scratches on hands/fingers from family pets. Trying to r/o cellulitis vs sprained joint. Please advise when able!

Female | 6 years old
Complaint duration: 1 week
Medications: None
Conditions: Mild peripheral vascular insufficiency, Down syndrome, Tet of Fallot cardiac repair at 6 months old.

1 Answer

I think first you have to out fracture,celulitis due to the case she has Down syndrome they dont express or tell about symptoms,then,thinking in the other options,like complications caused by her congenital condition, i will begin with a CBC to rule out infection,sigle xray of the hand,ESR and then see what happens.