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Peripheral neuropathy - where are the damaged nerves?

Where are the damaged nerves causing peripheral neuropathy, specifically burning, tingling, and numbness in my feet and hands? Exactly where on my body? Please explain like talking to 10 year old.

Male | 60 years old
Complaint duration: 5 years
Medications: tramadol
Conditions: arthritis and P. neuripathy

1 Answer

Usually the end fibers of the nerves. They originate in your spine and end at the tips of your fingers and toes. They go from thicker to thinner, and the arteries that supply blood flow do the same. With diabetes, the tiny arteries get damaged and do not supply enough blood flow to the end (Distal) nerves, and they get damaged and cause the symptoms you describe. Other diseases like diabetes cause the same symptoms.
Hope that helps your understanding. 

Dr. F.