Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Popped ankle?

So 1 week ago I just got out of my cast and I went to the beach but when I went to the beach my ankle popped when I fell and now my toes tingle whenever stepped on. Do you think I have a torn tendon because sometimes the back of my heel hurts super bad? I did the Thompson test and it worked and my ankle move so is that good?

Male | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 8
Medications: none

4 Answers

It is difficult to determine what is going on without exam and x-rays. I would advise you return to the doctor that put on the cast so they can look at you again.
Hello and good day. Thanks for sharing your ‘ankle popping’ question with the FATD community. Please allow me to offer my thoughts, tips and suggestions regarding your question.
From the limited history written, I am unsure what type of ankle issue you had that necessitated a cast. Also, I am not sure if you had ever hurt your ankle before. Nonetheless, the number one reason for a new onset of pain in an already-injured ankle is that it was not fully or completely rehabilitated prior to too much activity or sports. I hope you had a chance to get all your motion back and to strengthen the muscles around your ankle. Popping can be from the release of gas from the joint (not an issue at all). However, painful popping could be a sign of tearing of scar tissue or other tissues (like tendons or ligaments). The pins and needles you describe are either from the small nerves or blood vessels around the ankle. If you were in a cast for a long time, using the ankle again without the cast can cause popping and the feeling of pins and needles, as the body gets used to using the ankle again. I hope your pains and pins/needles feelings are short-lived.
I am optimistic that if you follow these suggestions, you will feel better and not have these ongoing feelings. However, if you feel like you need a good exam and guidance from a professional, I encourage you to consult with a medical provider (like a rehab doctor/physiatrist).
I hope this helps.
Hard to answer. Could be ligament or tendon or scar tissue. I'd get it checked with an exam. You might need an MRI.

Get an appointment with the doctor that put you in a cast and get your ankle examined.