OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions

Possible Miscarriage

I am so confused if I had a Desicdual clot or a miscarriage. I bled and cramped, then passed the clot and the cramping was mild after, then the bleeding also was very mild afterward. I still feel nauseous though and when I looked at the clot it looked like a piece of liver, and there was a tiny little sac-like thing on it with two transparent dots. Very confused - If it was a mis, i did not know I was even pregnant.. but my ex and I were have unprotected sex and i only got on the pill 2 weeks ago, but we were having unprotected sex before then... when we broke up last Tuesday I stopped the pill, so not sure if that is what caused this and its not a mis after all.. any help would be appreciated please

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 2

1 Answer

If you were having a miscarriage, a home urine pregnancy test would be positive, so that's worth checking. It's hard to tell from the photo what's going on, so best to see someone in person