“Possible parathyroid tumor or myeloma?”
Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: Hard to say
Medications: Lopid, Tirosint, omeprazole, Zegerid OTC, lamictal, prazocin, mirtazapine, buspar, propanolol, welbutrin xl, xanax, emgality pen
Conditions: Low Thyroid, Fatty Liver, High triglycerides(side effect of seroquel), severe GERD, IBS, migraines, kidney stones/lithotripsy 3-4X per year
1 Answer
I am sorry that you are going through this.
The first step in the evaluation of the cause of high calcium will be some special blood and urine tests. This will help in differentiating whether the problem is parathyroid or something else (eg. malignancy). With how severe your GERD is, I think it will be a good idea to get the acid test done, so you are prepared for surgery. In the meantime, you can have the rest of the labs for your calcium issue. I also think that you should atleast have an X-ray of your hip.
The above advice is strictly based on the history that you presented. With the lack of physical exam and old records, I am unable to tell for sure that this will be the best course of action.
I would love to see you in the office. Please call (512) 387-4224 or visit our website to make an appointment.
Dr. Lalani