“Post ACL & meniscus surgery pain?”
Female | 15 years old
6 Answers
I am sorry that you are going through this. I do not know either, I am not an orthopedic surgeon, I am a general surgeon. However, the place you should start is with the person who did your surgery. If you get no help there, then get evaluated by a physical therapist and get them to refer you to an Orthopedist who can help.
There are several possibilities for pain over the tibial tunnel. In some cases, there may be prominence caused by healing bone, the end of the graft, or the device used to secure the graft. There are also tendons in the area, which can be sensitive. Nerves in the area can also cause pain in the area. Your surgeon will be best suited to evaluate you and let you know what's causing the pain and how to treat it.