Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions surgeon

Post-surgery bleeding?

I just had surgery on my foot, and I wasn't supposed to walk on it, but I did anyway and now it's bleeding. I'm on medicine for anxiety, depression, acid reflux, birth control, bladder, a stool softener, and antibiotics.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 1 Day
Medications: listed above
Conditions: Spina bifida

6 Answers

Please call your surgeon ASAP.
Call your physician's office/surgeon's office and tell them what you did and make an urgent/emergent appointment to be seen.
Contact the surgeon who did the operation, you are not the first person who did not follow directions.
I recommend you call your foot and ankle surgeon who performed the surgery for the next step and discuss your case
Bad choice. See surgeon as soon as possible.
Consult with Surgeon. In the meantime elevate feet and add pressure to area that bleeding with gauze. Once bleeding stopped apply triple antiobotic with pain reliever to are TID cover area with Telfa guaze and wrap with Kling.