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Problem with urine?

I'm a 24 year old female. It's been around 5-6 months that I noticed the number of times I need to push urine is increased and it happens right after another. The amount is different. Sometimes very very little and sometimes I urine 3 times continuously with the normal amount. I did a urine test and also did sonography and the doctors told me they don't see a problem. I also feel a little pain in my vagina sometimes, it's not that serious but it does hurt from time to time. I don't know if I should get used to it or not because doctors didn't give me any medication.

Female | 24 years old
Medications: I only use vitamins and folicacid
Conditions: I don't have any

3 Answers

I wonder if your symptoms are related to your menstrual cycle somehow. If you have no urine infection and all tests are normal, sometimes there is a condition called Endometriosis whereby menstrual tissue is outside the uterus and responds to hormonal changes and can cause pains at the same time you get your cycle. Monitor to see if the timing is like what I am saying. May need to check with GYN.
Sounds like you are retaining some urine in the bladder, this is normal and it happens and some people. After urinating wait another 30 seconds and try pushing again to get more you're an hour, again very normal in many people
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That is not normal and you should get an abdominal pelvic ultrasound to evaluate the kidneys bladder and pelvis. Also, if you’re drinking a fair amount of coffee or tea stop it and see if that makes it any better. Caffeine can sometimes do this. Also, make sure that you’re having normal bowel movements. If you’re constipated, start using milk of magnesia 30 mL once a day until your bowel movements are normal.

Dr. Niko Lailas