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RLQ pain?

I have had constant pain in my lower right side for 3 months been to my doctor 3 times he did blood work everything came back ok except for moderate blood in my urine and low vitamin D. He sent me to get a CT scan with contrast at hospital which showed nothing, he also did ultrasound showed nothing. I went to my gyno she did a transvaginal ultrasound came back normal. I have an appt to do a colonoscopy in a few weeks. Now the top of my right leg where it connects to my torso is numb and swollen and sensitive to the touch. I am nauseous can only eat a few bites at a time have lost about 8lbs, no appetite some constipation. Very tired. I don't know what else to do?

Female | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 3 mths
Medications: Atenolol, Vitamin D
Conditions: High BP

1 Answer

You might want to get them to look at the CT scan again… It is possible that a small kidney stone may have been missed. In terms of your right upper extremity symptoms, you could either have them review your CT and your lumbar spine or get an MRI of her lumbar spine. Also, with your writer for extremity, you may have a condition known as Meralgia
I hope everything turns out well… All the best.
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