“Race and gender (due to inherited or iron def. anemias) inequality using HbA1c?”
Male | 79 years old
Complaint duration: over 20 years, not medicated
Medications: Not medicated due to false A1c
Conditions: type 2 diabetes with low grade hemolytic anemia
3 Answers
Things that can falsely lower A1c include:
Chronic Kidney disease
Mechanical Heart Valves
Sickle Cell Disease
Hemolytic Anemia
Blood loss (GI bleeds, etc)
There are also situations where A1c can be falsely elevated:
Things that can falsely elevate A1c:
Carbamylated hgb
Uremic Acidosis
Hgb F
Iron deficiency anemia
Opiate addiction
Lead poisoning
High dose Aspirin
In the United States, if we suspect that A1c levels are discordant from actual blood sugars, we can do a professional CGM to get something called a GMI or “glucose management indicator” - this is what a patient’s A1c would be if their hemoglobin and rate of cell turnover were “normal”
We can treat based on the actual blood sugars and disregard the erroneous A1c.
Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE