Family Practitioner | Adult Medicine Questions Neurologist

Reason for sudden dizziness in adult?

I have sudden dizziness, sweating, bitter taste for some more minutes. I noted this two times in a month. What may be the problem? Is it a serious issue to my health?

Male | 22 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Conditions: Sudden dizziness

3 Answers

Good question. The differential is broad. More information is required. For instance, what are you doing when it occurs? How long does it last? The differential can be anything from blood pressure changes, headaches, anxiety or even simple seizures. It’s best to see your primary physician to start. Check your blood pressure and pulse when this occurs. Note what you have or have not eaten. Are you anxious, stressed, hungry, or sleep deprived when this occurs?

Vernita D. Hairston, MD
This can be symptoms of Aura for possible epilepsy