Speech Pathologists Questions Speech and Communication Disorders

Recent stuttering and body shakes?

About 3 months ago, I started stuttering and I never did before. It got so bad I almost get sick Body shakes at night. I can barely use my cell my hands are shaking. I have restless legs, I am bipolar, anxiety panic attacks. I had all that for better than 10 years. Whatever it is I know it's not connected to my mental health. In February of 2020, I started getting migraines. I have been to the ER for a lot of them.

Female | 46 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Conditions: shakeing and stuttering

2 Answers

Medication can cause your symptoms. i would recommend letting your doctor know your symptoms.
Hi. My recommendation would be to see a neurologist who can rule out any changes in brain function. Please keep in mind that physical conditions, such as the ones you describe, can definitely be related to mental health. Shakes, tics, nausea, etc can be brought on or exacerbated by mental health. This has been a stressful year, to say the least, so please be kind to yourself. Make sure you are eating well, sleeping, and getting breaks, such as stretching, meditation, etc. Make an appointment with a neurologist to put yourself at ease also. Best of luck.
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