Surgeon Questions surgeon

Rectal prolapse?

I am 15 years old and I had a rectal prolapse in 2019 I did a stitch for rectal prolapse but it failed. Give me solution to recover rectal prolapse without surgery.

Male | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 9 /8/2021

4 Answers

Unfortunately there isn’t. The underlying condition that led to the prolapse should be addressed and the only way to fix a prolapse is surgically
I am sorry to tell you, I don't know what type of procedure they did, but the best treatment is still surgery.
If you had true rectal prolapse, then this is best treated by surgery. You should see a colorectal surgeon for further advice on this.
Otherwise, see a pediatric GI doctor to address constipation or defecation disorder, which requires special testing to diagnosis and can be treated by physical therapy, biofeedback, laxatives, etc.