Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Red thing on my eye?

There's a redness next to my tear duct, it's been there for quite a while but with no complication. My eyes are healthy but the redness is still there. I'm a hypochondriac, I get really anxious when something like this happens to me. I'm only 15. Is there a way to cure it?

Male | 15 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: No Medication
Conditions: Eye

3 Answers

Looks like inflammation . Normally episcleritis is treated with anti inflammatory meds
Appears normal to me, but would be useful to compare to the other side. Take a picture of the same thing in the other eye and see if it's similar. If there are no symptoms this is not something you likely need to worry about.
See an ophthalmologist for a diagnosis and treatment.