Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Revived a edg and got results back?

I received a edg and the results said gastric antrum biopsy, benign gastric mucosa with mild foveolar hyperplasia. Helicobacter negative. What does this mean? I constantly have bile build-up and loose stools every day since September. And abdominal pain been in hospital twice and had left side swollen lymph nodes. I don't take NSAIDs or antacids haven't in over a year when this started and got worse.

Female | 42 years old
Complaint duration: 03-10-2021
Medications: Bentyl
Conditions: Diagnosed with colitis.adomenal pain and gerds

5 Answers

H Pylori is one of the two organisms that cause cancer in humans. The other is HPV (human papiloma virus) So we screen for it. H pylori can be treated with antibiotics and be cured 80% of the time. It sounds like you need a colonoscopy. Gastric is stomach and if bile is the problem then Gallbladder and Liver Ultrasound should be done. Its EGD not EDG which means Esopagogastroduodenoscopy!!!
Could be bile salt diarrhea, could try question or carafate. The pain I can't tell nor lymphadenopathy without a CT.
These symptoms are due to colitis and not gastric. They may resolve with colitis Rx

The biopsies refer to normal stomach tissue with mild changes, which could be from bile acids or medications. This is likely not the cause of your symptoms.
The biopsy results don't reveal anything really. There is no infection found from H. pylori (though it doesn't rule it out completely). Don't worry about the hyperplasia described. Chances are that your symptoms are from something else and the EGD is not going to help make the diagnosis. You need a thorough review of your history to try to determine the cause. As is typical of many cases, the procedure does not provide the answer.