Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions


Can I use heating pad for upper shoulder pain. Might be rotater cup

Male | 64 years old
Complaint duration: 10 days
Medications: Tylenol not helping at all
Conditions: Chronic pain, aching dule pain, pain worsening with any type of movement

4 Answers

Probably Rotator Cuff.Anti-Inflammatory Meds,Physio Exercise.If no help see an orthopedic surgeon.
At your age, the 2 most likely causes for your shoulder pain are a rotator cuff tear and shoulder arthritis. Both can cause night pain. Heat is okay to use and you may also benefit from taking ibuprofen or Aleve, but you should discuss this with you primary care doctor. I would recommend getting some x-rays of your shoulder and being evaluated by an orthopedic physician.
After ate heat and ice.
A heating pad might help if it is bursitis or tendinitis. Might only partially help if it’s rotator cuff tear. I would suggest to see your orthopedic doctor for evaluation.