Optometrist Questions Ophthalmologist

Seeing random balls of light?

I don't know when it started but it's been maybe going on for about a year but I have been seeing slow (not flashes) of like a ball of light going from the top of the corner of my eye all the way down. It doesn't happen instantly but if I go to look at it, it disappears. It occurs at random times, day time, night time, tired, just waking up, using a lot of technology and looking at screens, or not even touching my phone/electronics for a good portion of the day. The only reoccurring thing is it happens when I am alone. It doesn't hurt but I am very confused and nothing online so far has actually been anywhere close. All I've gotten is stuff about how my retina is causing the gel inside my eyeball the basically bounce around and cause quick flashes of light. I know how that feels/looks like. This isn't it.

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 1 years
Medications: None
Conditions: Mental illness, glasses, hip muscle deuteriation

6 Answers

all flashes of light need to be evaluated with a dilated exam
Sounds like ocular migraine . Please get your eyes dilated first and get your retina checked to rule out retinal tears , detachments etc. and then get checked for ocular migraine and a visual field test along with fundus photo and OCT macula .
Consider this possibility

Frank Cao
A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed to determine the cause of your symptoms.
I would recommend that you see an ophthalmologist. Mant possible explanations for your symptoms are available, but until your eyes are examined, they are nothing but possibilities or probabilities. Other important eye conditions that you have or don't have will factor in determining the etiology of your eye symptoms.
This may be a ocular migraine related to low blood pressure. Drink more water and a multivitamin watch the caffeine intake.