Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Severe heartburn?

I have had mild heartburn in the past, but today severe heartburn started - so bad it’s difficult to walk/move. It’s been ongoing for 2.5 hours now. I’ve taken 4 Tums and 2 OTC Prilosec. Could this be something else?

Male | 47 years old
Complaint duration: 2.5 hours
Medications: Prilosec

3 Answers

Usually if it were cardiac your condition would have resolved or progressed to become a heart attack. You need to get an EKG. If negative during your pain then again probably not your heart. Besides labs, a breath test to check for H. Pylori should be done. You likely will need a scope to check your stomach and esophagus
If this feels the same as your past heartburn, it probably is the same. However, lasting this long is unusual. You should not take chances. Please seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Since the discomfort is severe and ongoing, you should get to an ER for an immediate evaluation. It is most likely gastrointestinal, however, rarely cardiac symptoms may be similar.