Endocronologist (Pediatric) Questions Melatonin

Shbg melatonin

I started taking melatonin at the age of 16.5 for sleep, before that everything was ok, right away during the reception my libido dropped a lot and the amount of hair on my body decreased, I passed tests, shbg, estradiol and prolactin increased greatly, I checked the liver and thyroid gland, everything is fine , I read that melatonin can reduce testosterone, but why did it increase so much shbg, I repeat, before taking melatonin there was no such thing, it appeared while taking melatonin, how can this problem be solved?

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 07062004

1 Answer

SHBG is normally increased during puberty due to the action of sex hormones (testosterone and estradiol)