Endocrinology, Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Should I be concerned about the high thyroid lab result?

I feel like I may have a thyroid disorder issue (ex: constipation, extremely cold body temperature year-round, temporary occasional brain fog, inability to lose weight regardless of diet and exercise, etc.). I had a thyroid panel done at the lab. One of the tests is in the high range, I'm not sure if it is something I should be concerned about when taken into consideration with the rest of the tests in the panel.

Female | 27 years old
Conditions: Gastro reflux

4 Answers

It depends on which thyroid lab result is high. TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) is produced by the pituitary gland and acts to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone. An elevated TSH can signify any underactive thyroid, or even a pituitary tumor. Your symptoms seem to be consistent with an underactive thyroid. See your physician for a more accurate diagnosis. Thyroid hormone is needed for the proper function of most of the significant body organs, including the brain, the heart, bones, liver, etc.
You have an under active thyroid gland. This a serious problem which may cause a host of serious complications such as a “weak” heart muscle, high lipid levels, low BP and heart rate, anemia and many more problems. You need thyroid hormone replacement treatment. You should seek out an endocrinologist for thorough evaluation to determine the exact cause of this issue. It most commonly is caused by prior inflammatory thyroid disease called Hashimotos Thyroiditis. May also be caused by a problem in portion of your Pituitary gland which is in the brain. See your physician ASAP.
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Hello, yes you should be concerned. I recommend re-evaluation ASAP.
See your doctor and get an explanation.