“Should I change my toothbrush if I have gingivitis?”
I was diagnosed with gingivitis. Should I change my toothbrush if I have gingivitis?
4 Answers
It is recommended to change out your toothbrush/toothbrush head every 3 months. Using a soft bristled toothbrush twice a day for a period of 2 minutes is the recommended and effective way in maintaining a healthy mouth. Although brushing is important, sometimes other interceptive treatment, such as professional debridement from a hygienist may be necessary to bring gingiva or gums back to a healthy state. Other factors such as medications, lifestyle and other medical conditions play a roll in ginigval health so it's important to see a dentist regularly to help maintain a healthy mouth.
Gingivitis is an ongoing, chronic problem. Rather than change your toothbrush pretty much every day, switch to a battery or electric one and use it correctly every night before bed. Also brush each morning, being sure to brush gently next to your gums. And be sure to floss, use an interdental cleaner, or WaterFlosser with an anti-bacterial, non-alcoholic rinse in the reservoir. You can disinfect your toothbrush, or toothbrush head, in the microwave, or in a small amount of water with a 1/8 teaspoon of bleach in it. Soak for about 15 minutes.