Dentist Questions

Should I get my wisdom teeth removed, Im 14.

Recently, I've been feeling a lot of pain in the back of my jaw. I believe it is my wisdom teeth from diagrams of the wisdom teeth. It hurts when I swallow and its almost a constant throbbing feeling.

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 10 Days

3 Answers

Follow the advise of your dentist or oral surgeon to determine if the wisdom teeth need removal. Many times they only need to be watched and monitored over time.
It would be best to see a dentist for a complete exam with X-rays to accurately diagnose this. Unfortunately, there is no way of saying if your wisdom teeth need to come out or not without an exam by a dentist including necessary X-rays. Preferably a panoramic x-ray. At 14 years old it is unlikely that they are the source of the pain at this stage. However it is possible. Please see a dentist asap for a complete evaluation. While some oral pain will heal on its in. It could be something that needs to be treated quick and aggressive in order to prevent further problems. Please get evaluated by your dentist ASAP! Good luck to you
You are 14. You need to consult a dentist to figure out if is your wisdom tooth or send molar.