Ophthalmologist Questions Leber's disease

Should I get tested for Leber's disease?

Leber's optic neuropathy is runs in my family. Recently, my aunt and first cousin were detected with the disease and are now blind. My mother died early, so should I just go for the test to be on the safe side? At what age is this disease likely to strike a person?

5 Answers

Yes indeed. Please go for an eye exam with an ophthalmologist.

Kind regards,

Dr. Brian
The rule is, if you are not sure, get it checked out. It does not hurt to get it checked out.
Leber’s optic neuropathy is more common in men than women and tends to occur between 15-30 years of age. No proven treatment is available, so DNA testing is more for genetic counseling. If you or someone else suffers from Leber’s, a cardiology exam is needed to rule out any heart rhythm abnormality.
Best of luck.

Best regards,

David J. Pinhas, M.D.
It can't occur from young to older age groups, but usually affects teenagers or young adults. You can go for a check up if you suddenly develop blurry vision.
If Leber is running on the mother's side of your family, you better get tested for that. It may start at a young age, but there are reports of expressing the disease at older ages.