Ophthalmology Questions

Should I go to the emergency room?

Hi I was doing some pull ups with my foot in a band after my wrestling practice today. When I went to get out of the band I lost control in the van snapped back into my face, hitting my right eye. It hurt but not that bad. It is still sore and it has been about five hours. At first there was just a big spot in my vision but now most of my lower field of vision in my right eye is extremely blurry and later and currently the bottom left of my right eyes field of vision seems to be flickering. I was wearing a contact in that eye when the incident occurred but took it out shortly after. Should I go to the emergency room or should I wait until tomorrow to see if it’s still flickering? My eye from just looking at it looks completely fine just the space around it is a little red and sore but it looks fine from what I can see. No bleeding or any apparent cuts.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 5 hours
Medications: Dextroamphetamine and levothyroxine
Conditions: ADHD, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

1 Answer

You may have a retinal detachment or bleeding in the eye and you should be seen by a retinal specialist withiin 24 hours if possible.. You should not do any reading or physical activities until you can see a retinal specialist. You should be at bedrest unti; you can be seen. You can call local retinal specialists and probably be seen in the morning or call the ER to see if one is available.