Urologist Questions Urologist

Should I see a dr?

Yesterday I had an erection and it was pinched as I was trying not to pee. I think bust a vein, blood started coming out and a day later it's still dripping blood, should I see a doctor?

Male | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days

3 Answers

Yes, see a doctor. It is likely a ruptured blood vessel. No specific treatment, just need to establish the diagnosis.
Yes. You should consult with your local urologist.
Yes, you may have disrupted your urethra. You will need a retrograde urethra gram, which is a study to see if there is a hole in the urethra. If there is, it is a simple fix by placing a catheter and allowing the urethra to heal for 7 to 10 days.

Dr. Niko Lailas