Addiction Psychiatrist | Addiction Medicine Questions

Should I seek assisted alchohol withdrawal?

I'm an alchoholic of 3 years who's trying to get sober alone. I was drinking half a bottle of vodka each night, and now that I'm over 48 hours into sobriety I've experienced no symptoms of withdrawal apart from insomnia and anxiety. Should I seek medically assisted withdrawal anyway?

Female | 27 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Medications: Naltrexone

1 Answer

Absolutely, given the severity and duration of your alcohol use, seeking medically assisted withdrawal is highly recommended. Even though you've only experienced insomnia and anxiety after 48 hours of sobriety, the risk of severe withdrawal symptoms is substantial. Professional medical assistance ensures safety and effective management of potential complications during this critical phase of sobriety. Please consult healthcare professionals promptly for guidance and support tailored to your needs. Must check this out