Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Should I stop taking antidepressants before pelvic surgery?

I am a 24 year old female. I want to know if I should stop taking antidepressants before pelvic surgery?

6 Answers

SsRI sometimes has increase bleeding risk. You may talk to your doctor if needs to tapered down before surgery.
Unless there is a specific reason your surgeon would want you to discontinue use, there is no reason to stop the medication.
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Prior to surgery, it is very important to talk with the anesthesiologist. Many times the anesthesiologist can have you absolutely continue your antidepressants without any problem whatsoever. It could anesthesiologist well look up if there are any interactions with the medications it could be used for anesthesia and your antidepressants. The complications with anesthesia and anti-depressants maker, but with advanced notice, there should be nothing to worry about. Don’t hesitate to have a discussion with the anesthesiologist ahead of time. Good luck with the surgery! And may you have a very speedy recovery!
The best person to answer this question is the anesthesiologist.
That is a question for your anesthesiologist.
Antidepressants should not be stopped cold turkey as they can trigger other things. I would suggest speaking with your prescribing doctor and the surgeon operating on you so they can collaborate and devise a plan for you pre and post op.