Ophthamologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Should I wear my glasses for farsightedness all the time?

I have farsightedness and wear glasses. Should I wear my glasses for farsightedness all the time?

3 Answers

My general statement to you would be to wear your glasses as was directed to you by your eye doctor. If you are not sure of these things, then please call them to have this answered specifically for you. Obviously, wearing glasses at any time is done in order to clear up your visual world and to "calm" things down whether it be for distance like driving, for middle ranges like the computer screen, or for close work such as looking at a keyboard or when reading. Your eye doctor knows your eyes best in respect to the amount of farsightedness you have, your age, your health, your job, your social demands, your visual health, and any medications that you are on that may affect how you see. I hope that this information helps; good luck and best wishes.
When you are far-sighted, without your glasses your eyes are working extra, both for seeing distance and even more for reading and on the computer. The more farsighted you are, The more work your eyes are doing. If you see well and are comfortable for distance, you might be able to without glasses then. Probably should use for near and computer.
If they help you see better, then sure.