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Shoulder pain?

So before I tell you the problem I will tell you some background. I am in high school I have scholarships to play wheelchair basketball in college that I don’t want to lose I have started working out for 2-3 hrs a day and lifting for 40-60 mins a day about 18 months ago I lost a lot of weight (I needed to) and about 6-9 months ago my shoulder has started hurting 24/7 and popping a lot it locks up then I have to pop it or I can’t move it I also have felt a lot of weakness when moving it. I have started resting it and icing with stretching it but this has done nothing and it has been getting worse each day. What’s wrong with it?

Male | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 6-9 months

7 Answers

Please see your primary care physician for a formal evaluation. I would recommend some baseline imaging studies and a physical exam from a qualified professional.
First off, congratulations on your scholarship offers! My take on your history is that you may be over training, aside from your workouts, you also have no choice to use your shoulders, chest, biceps and triceps to keep you mobile. Pain that is constant and locks up and starts to cause weakness needs to be evaluated immediately. A Chiropractor experienced in sports injuries can evaluate you, but in this case I would recommend that you see a sports orthopedic specialist and you may need an x-ray and possibly an MRI to evaluate the shoulder joint. Make that appointment now, because the sooner you know what the cause is the sooner you can start your recovery and be ready to play in college. There are a few differential diagnosis's from the history you have given. I can not tell you specifically what's wrong without evaluating it. That being said, make your appointment with the Orthopedist!
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Since you failed to say exactly what your past medical history confirms, it appears you are a wheelchair-bound teenager? Your case is a simple matter of excessive or overuse of the shoulder by virtue of the fact that you are forced to push yourself up since you do not walk on your own. A plain shoulder X-ray is needed to rule out any impingement lesion, which no doubt has occurred; you have to stop all wgt-lifting that involves overhead machines or dumbbells; continue with ice packs for 30 mins each day after working out or before bed; start a short course of daily regular anti inflammatory medication after meals say 7-10 days. Go see a real orthopedic surgeon.

Dr. Mudano
Most likely a rotator cuff tear. See an orthopedic surgeon. Likely need an MRI. May need surgery. If you are paraplegic, the surgery repair should include reinforcing the repair with a graft.
It sounds like you have a subluxating shoulder which needs a complete evaluation before you cause significant damage.
Weight lifting, if excessive, has a few problem. The way you did, if is done in sitting position, first it causes also back pain disc DJD. Second, it causes AC joint sprain of shoulder, also causes shoulder capsule to stretch and causes shoulder instability and your symptoms. To solve that issue, stop weight lifting. See an orthopedic surgeon. Most of the time, MRI may be normal. You most probably need surgery to correct that problem if physical therapy cannot correct this.
Sounds like overuse rotator cuff problems. Probably a partial or full tear. You must see in orthopedic surgeon and get an MRI. Choose an orthopedic surgeon that does a lot of sports medicine. Even find one That has completed a sports-medicine fellowship

Thank you!