Cardiologist Questions Infectious Disease Specialist

Side effect after vaccine?

I am two weeks after my covid vaccine. Last three days I have been experiencing a dull pressure in my chest. I read about myocarditis and now I don’t know if it is that or if it’s stress from thinking I have that. I do not have shortness of breath or anything.

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

2 Answers

Anything is possible. You're not the typical demographic as it was most frequently found in males 15 to 30 year old. Simple to check out. An ecg and a 2nd Echo to confirm or rule this out.
This sounds more like anxiety than anything else. Myocarditis presents with chest pain, shortness of breath, fever,chills, dizziness. Too much misinformation out there. Severe reactions to the vaccine are rare. You can get what seems like a viral syndrome plus tenderness in the arm, which lasts a few days, however, this is self limiting. The reactions that happen are not from the vaccine itself, but from the additive polyethylene glycol which makes the vaccine more stable. This chemical is put into many drugs for the same reason. It can occasionally cause a reaction. Anyway, your symptoms should disappear . If you are still worried after a week, go to your doctor and ask for an EKG.