Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Sigmoid diverticula?

I had a CT test and it showed I have sigmoid diverticula. These symptoms have started, a gas that I cannot completely get rid of, which makes me have a headache, nausea, and constipation. The gas starts right after I eat, it's so bad it really makes me sick and hurt it's lasting nearly all day. I don't want to eat because of the gas and cannot go anywhere or do anything I have to stand up to burp and that will let me feel better for a minute two and when I pass gas it's really loud. This started about 3 days ago. But the last couple of months, I have chills sometimes and can't seem to get warm. I'm also a diabetic and take lots of meds, high blood pressure, have a lot of bladder infections since I've had surgery.

Female | 62 years old
Complaint duration: 4
Medications: bsacular to many to mention
Conditions: sigmoid diverticula

2 Answers

A common complication of Diverticulosis is diverticulitis (infection of the Diverticula). Chills can be a sign of infection and an indication for bowel test and antibiotics. Would recommend to see a gastroenterologist.
The diverticula have nothing to do with the symptoms. What you describe as gas might be bloating which is not necessarily actual gas but more often fluid in the small bowel that results from malabsorption of carbohydrates. Undigested carbs also produce a lot of flatus. Reduce carbs in the diet and see if this helps. Otherwise see a GI doc for work up.