“Skin feels bumpy after IPL ”
I just got IPL yesterday- I had a lot of redness on my face and some sun damage I was hoping to get rid of. My skin looks bumpy- the texture looks different, not smooth like it used to be. What could this be, will this go away?
18 Answers
You are one day out from IPL treatment. You may notice some skin changes while your skin heals from the procedure that can take a 1-2 weeks. However you may also be having a reaction to either the treatment or something you are applying topically. You should see the person who performed the procedure to make sure that all is going well.
Too soon after the IPL to judge results. There will be some irregularities expected right after treatment
That is normal after an IPL. The sunspots get lifted and cause a crustiness to the skin that then flakes off. This process can take anywhere from 7-14 days depending on the person. The skin will return to a smooth texture and clearer complexion.
Thank you,
Sapna Palep, MD
Spring Street Dermatology
Thank you,
Sapna Palep, MD
Spring Street Dermatology
Possible burns after laser treatment i.e. oil gland burn after intense pulse heat causing scar tissue formation.
Would need to see it. Also, would need to know the setting of the IPL. In the meantime, you can use cortisone 10 OTC to calm the inflammation.
It is not uncommon to have some texture changes after an IPL treatment. You can also have darkening of some areas of hyperpigmentation spots. This should come to the surface and improve over the next couple of weeks. I recommend you use a bleaching cream and sunscreen to increase your result. Hope this is helpful!
Dr. Bennett
Dr. Bennett
Fadi T. Hamadani
Plastic Surgeon
Hi and thank you for reaching out with your question. You state that you had received an IPL treatment to help treat redness and sun spots on your face and that you noticed the texture of the skin change on the first-day post-treatment. Although it would be helpful to see a before and after picture and to gain more information about the parameters of the treatment, I would like to stress that what you are experiencing most likely is some post-treatment inflammation in the skin. This is not uncommon after IPL treatment and may take anywhere from a few days to 1 week to resolve. It is important to follow your provider's instructions in terms of sunblock use and post-treatment ointments and to follow up with them at your scheduled time. If you are still concerned I would suggest you speak with them earlier. Good luck.
IPL can stimulate your skin so that a temporary irritation, bumpiness, and even folliculitis that resembles acne, to occur. Continue post procedure precautions as directed by your provider. It may take 4-6 weeks to see beneficial signs of improvement.
That can happen if the settings on the IPL were a little too high, but it gets better in a few days. It should not cause any long term problems. Just don't use any harsh cleansers on your face in the meantime
IPL is very tricky, first depends on who you went to and the machine. They should have told you no lotions- nothing on the face, as this can cause some weird looking colors but patients don't always tell you either. Also, you need to be good at the laser, people think lasers are easy, its a whole another ball game!
When you say it's a bump, I'm not sure if I know what you mean, but I had one lady get it done on her back which she didn't tell me she had lotion on and I ask as if you have any type of lotion, etc., it will cause a little-like line, and it did, no burns, but it did. I had informed her and she did not pay attention, but as long as it's not a burn, it will go away. However, I would call the place you went to and have them look at the results.
When you say it's a bump, I'm not sure if I know what you mean, but I had one lady get it done on her back which she didn't tell me she had lotion on and I ask as if you have any type of lotion, etc., it will cause a little-like line, and it did, no burns, but it did. I had informed her and she did not pay attention, but as long as it's not a burn, it will go away. However, I would call the place you went to and have them look at the results.
Adam Sills
You most likely have edema (swelling) in the top layers of skin, which is temporary. This can be normal. Some areas absorb more light and therefore, more thermal energy. I would continue to follow your post-treatment recommendations, but contact the clinic if you develop blisters or the swelling worsens.
It is not possible to answer your questions without knowing your history and seeing you in person. These questions are best addressed to the person who did your procedure. Thank you for your question. Dr. Coleman
Thank you for the question. As you stated, you just had an IPL treatment. Swelling and redness should subside within 4-7 days and depends on your initial treatment. Things that need to be evaluated include skin type and aggressiveness of treatment.
IPL uses a wavelength of light that selectively heats tissue with reddish pigment; most often, blood vessels. The hope is that such blood vessels will then scar down or shrink and that "red" skin conditions such as rosacea will improve.
Such heating produces inflammation and temporary swelling where the light is applied and that is probably what you are feeling at the present. I would not be too concerned about it but why don't you call the practitioner who did the treatment for you and have him/her check you.
Such heating produces inflammation and temporary swelling where the light is applied and that is probably what you are feeling at the present. I would not be too concerned about it but why don't you call the practitioner who did the treatment for you and have him/her check you.
Gregory E. Rauscher
Plastic Surgeon
Everyone is different when they have IPL, but some experience temporary skin breakouts.
Will be nice if you can send picture. Can you also send more information about the IPL that you have. In general, these changes will go away and your skin should Looks better If IPL done in right way .Main things at this point is sun protection. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Will be nice if you can send picture. Can you also send more information about the IPL that you have. In general, these changes will go away and your skin should Looks better If IPL done in right way .Main things at this point is sun protection. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
First let me say that IPL when performed properly is safe and with limited complications. After an IPL or photofacial it is not uncommon for some of our pores to get plugged and we feel the bumps on our skin. This is usually from the lube used on the laser during treatment. This is likely what you are experiencing. If this is the case, it should dissipate in a day or two. Just make sure you are using a non-comedogenic moisturizer. If there is redness or pain associated with it, then you could be getting an infection and I would see your doctor immediately to start the right kind of treatment.
Hope this helped.
Dr. Hootan Zandifar
Hope this helped.
Dr. Hootan Zandifar