Sleep Medicine Specialist Questions Sleep Medicine Specialist


I'm feeling sleepy but can't easily fall asleep at night. What to do?

Female | 31 years old
Complaint duration: A few months probably

5 Answers

Review my article on this sight and not improving this could be narcolepsy and/or insomnia
Since you say this is a new-ish problem, it probably can resolve pretty quickly. I assume you are living in the same situation, same kind of bed, same life situation, not full of new worries….If all that is benign, try learning deep relaxation methods. The oldest one is called Jacobsonian Relaxation (named after – of course – Jacobson). There are many apps that teach that – it’s been around since at least the 1930’s, not very revolutionary. You could also go for a couple of sessions with a qualified hypnotherapy person (psychologist, social worker, nurse) to teach you a hypnotic method for falling asleep. It will be interesting and helpful to learn some of these things!


Dr. Marian Shapiro
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I would look at your bedtime routine. No caffeine after 3pm, no exercise close to bedtime, get away from tv/phones/tablets, do some relaxation before bed.

There are various sleep hygiene steps to take. No coffee after noon, minimal alcohol at dinner, no internet for several hours before bed If your are anxious or having disturbing thoughts, this may interfere with your sleep.
Check this link out for some insight into your question: