Dentist Questions

Sores on hard palate

I developed little sores on the roof of my mouth about 3 days ago. They don’t hurt very much, I just wanted to check to make sure.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days

2 Answers

It is difficult to see these with the picture but people often injure their palate with eating hot or sharp foods. Warm salt water rinses and OTC pain meds can often help with temporary pain. If the sore does not go away in 7-10 days then you should follow up with a Dentist or Primary care doctor.
I am glad you are interested in your health and keeping an eye on things.
I am unable to recognize the sores you are concerned about. Your palate appears within normal limits to me.
I am concerned that you may have a narrow palate. It so, that could lead one or more problems in the future. They could include clicking popping noises in the jaw joints, sleep disturbances, sinus issues, and/or ear issues. For more information about this see the chapter on orthodontics in the book:
Thank you for writing.