Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

Spot in throat

I’ve had this spot in my throat for over 2 years, yellowish. Can it be a embedded tonsil stone? It is yellowish in appearance. It does not hurt.
I do have Hashimotos.

Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 3 years
Conditions: Hashimotos, celiac

3 Answers

This appears to be a lymphoid rest (i.e., a small amount of lymph tissue under the mucosa) or a small retention cyst. It appears to medial (central) to be a tonsil stone. It appears completely inconsequential.
This appears to be a very benign well encapsulated inclusion cyst of the posterior oropharynx. Sometimes the lymphoid tissue becomes covered over and leaves a cystic like area that does not get infected and does not need drainage or any procedure. As it has been present for more than 2 years, this can be observed.
What you describe is certainly consistent with a "tonsil stone". This is a benign condition but at times can be an irritation.....