“Stomach flu ”
Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 24hrs
Medications: Ginger al
Conditions: Very week and can't howl nothing down Ginger ra
7 Answers
EmergencyPhysicianStomachFluIf no better, seek medical advice.
1. You get a nausea medicine that can dissolve under your tongue if you can't keep a pill down. There is also rectal nausea medicine.
2. See you can keep small amounts of clear fluids down every 15 minutes. If you can't, you may need the emergency department.
3. The absolute best way to hydrate is through your stomach. IV fluids are fine when needed, but if you drink a liter of fluid versus have a liter of fluid through an IV, you retain more fluid from drinking.
4. DO NOT eat anything solid. Just drink clear fluids. If you can see through it, you can have it. If you have one bite of a saltine, it can set off another round of vomiting. So, I recommend only clear fluids x 24 hours, then you can try bland foods in small amounts.
5. If you can keep fluids down, then keep on going. You can try immodium for diarrhea, but if you are not having more than 3 bowel movements an hour, I would not recommend it. They can quickly cause the reverse problem.
6. The emergency department is appropriate if you cannot keep fluids down after 12 - 18 hours. If you can get a prescription nausea medicine, that is all you may need. The emergency departments are full of people with the flu, bacterial infections, and other viruses. If you think you have the flu, stay home unless you are under the age of 2, over the age of 65, or have severe asthma or other serious health issues. Because if you find you do not have the flu, you will likely end up with it. If you find you do
have the flu, you will be able to go home and let it run its course.
Good luck.