Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Stomach issues when dating?

Anytime I date someone my stomach hurts it is like a roller coaster and then if one of us breaks up my stomach is fine but I can't date anyone without it hurting. I want to know why because I can't date anyone without me feeling like im going to puke and it's bad.

Female | 15 years old
Complaint duration: only during the relationship
Medications: no
Conditions: no

3 Answers

It is very common for young people who start dating to feel anxiety around it. I am sorry you are experiencing these trying feelings. We are putting ourselves out there to be accepted, or not, and that naturally prompts anxious feelings. Often establishing a friendship first can help you assess whether this person might be appropriate to date or to just maintain as a friend which in itself can be very rewarding. First knowing your hurt feelings are understandable and "normal" may help you feel less anxious. Try also using regular relaxation apps such as Calm and Headspace on a regular basis and then if something anxiety provoking happens you will be more grounded, centered and better able to cope with it. How a relationship ends can also inform how people feel about it ending. If it is done with thoughtfulness and respect it can be much easier to accept. Also taking care of yourself with reasonable sleep, eating, exercise, time with others, in nature, etc can all contribute to feeling better to begin with, please take care.
Best, Diane Bridgeman, Ph.D.
The brain and stomach are in communication with each other neurologically, whether we like it or not. The stomach pain may be a sign of nervousness or anxiety when you are dating. Maybe you feel pressure to behave a certain way? This is called dyspepsia and is very common in people your age. It should get better with time as you mature and can relax, as well as feel good and confident about yourself.
It sounds like you are a good candidate for psychotherapy.